Aerial Yoga
I am no longer teaching aerial yoga.
Where to?
After 5.5 successful years aerial yoga classes come to an end at Zaal Van Trier. I'm taking a break from teaching yoga.
So where to now? I can recommend
my teacher Boban at HOMYOGABREDA
my colleague Tamara at Inner Balance Center in Brecht
my student Lise at Ugo Relax in Wijnegem
Fans of the beautiful location Zaal Van Trier can check out the different teachers on the website and take yin yoga or kundalini.
I don't know anyone teaching aerial yoga in the centre of Antwerp but you can give trapeze yoga a try (I haven't).
My favorite place to take yoga in Antwerp is Hatha Yoga Surya. That's where I will work on my own relaxation.
A heartfelt thank you to all my dear students.
It was truly a pleasure to teach you all. Namasté